Please complete the entire application.
Employer: Technology Construction, Inc. Address: 5430 Side Road City/State/ZIP: Prescott, Arizona 86301
It is the policy of Technology Construction, Inc. to provide equal employment opportunities to all applicants and employees without regard to any legally protected status such as race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability or veteran status.
Daytime phone: Evening phone:
Driver's License (State/Number):
Contact Name: Relation to you: Address: City/State/ZIP: Daytime phone: Evening phone:
Full TimePart Time
YesNo Salary Desired $___per___: Who referred you to our company?: Do you have any friends or relatives who work here? If yes list here:
YesNo If yes, then when? How will you get to work?: If you are offered employment when would you be available to begin work?: If hired, are you able to submit proof that you are legally eligible for employment in the United States? YesNo List any skills that may be useful for the job you are seeking. Enter the number of years of experience, and the number which corresponds to your ability for each particular skill ( [1-5] One represents poor ability, while five represents exceptional ability.):
List your current or most recent employment first. Only one job is required. Please list all jobs (including self-employment and military service) which you have held, beginning with the most recent, and list and explain any gaps in employment. If additional space is needed, please attach resume with work experience.